About Me:
In August 2024, I completed my Doctorate (PhD) and Master's degree (MS) in Mechanical Engineering with the designated emphasis in Computational and Data Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley, advised by Dr. Philip Marcus. My research topics are mainly in the fields of Fluid Mechanics and Computational Science. I have accumulated my own research experience in vortex instabilities, aero-/hydrodynamic optimization problems, large eddy simulations, immersed boundary methods, conjugate heat transfer analyses, experimental flow measurements (e.g., magnetic resonance velocimetry), and relevant engineering problems.
Please visit my personal site if you want to find more information.
Research at CFD Lab with Prof. Marcus:
Full-Length Articles
(2024) Transient growth of a wake vortex and its initiation via inertial particles, arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.07469, url
(2024) Triadic Resonance in Columnar Vortices, arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.05287, url
(2024) Bayesian-Optimized Riblet Surface Design for Turbulent Drag Reduction via Design-by-Morphing With Large Eddy Simulation, Journal of Mechanical Design 146(8), p. 081701, url, doi:10.1115/1.4064413
(2023) Airfoil optimization using Design-by-Morphing, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 10(4), p. 1443-1459, url, doi:10.1093/jcde/qwad059
(2023) Linear stability analysis of wake vortices by a spectral method using mapped Legendre functions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 967, p. A2, url, doi:10.1017/jfm.2023.455
Conference Papers/Abstracts
(2024) Particle-Initiated Transient Growth of a Wake Vortex in Consideration of Condensation Trails, International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Extended Abstracts, p. MoFM1603
(2023) Investigation of Triggering Vortex Instabilities with Inertial Particles, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. ZC38-005, url
(2023) Three-Wave Resonance in Neutrally Stable Wake Vortices, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. ZC38-002, url
(2022) A General Framework for Destabilizing Neutrally-Stable Flows Applied to Aircraft Wake Vortices, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. L18-001, url
(2022) Viscous Perturbation to Inviscid Wake Vortices - Perturbation Theory in Vortex Stability, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. Q11-007, url
(2021) Linear instability analysis of wake vortices by a spectral method using mapped Legendre functions, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. E24-001, url
(2021) Destabilizing Neutrally Stable Wake Vortices Using Degenerate Eigenmodes, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. E24-003, url