Meng Wang


Email: wangmeng @

Hometown: Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China

Research: I am a Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) at the Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (CFD Lab) and am aiming for a PHD degree under the direction of Professor Philip Marcus. I am very passionate about CFD due to the special combination of applied mathematics, physics and numerical analysis required for its study, all of which capture my interest.

Since arriving at the CFD Lab, I have worked with data from the Hubble Space Telescope and Voyager satellites using Advection Correction Particle Image Velocimetry techniques (ACCIV) along with fellow lab member Sahuck Oh. By applying these techniques to the raw satellite images of Jupiter and Saturn we extract the velocity fields based on the differences in image pixels at different times.

I am also interested in bubble/droplet formation problems and am studying the use of Legendre Polynomials in modelling multi-phase fluid flows while continuing to take courses in mathematics and physics.

Outside Interests: Outside academia I enjoy travelling, reading, listening to music, especially the music of New Century and love talking and sharing ideas with people and learning about their different cultural backgrounds. Finally I am an avid fan of bananna glaze and am of the opinion that no dinner is complete without a dish. Feel free to contact me by email.

Research at CFD Lab with Prof. Marcus:

Full-Length Articles

G. Facchini, Meng Wang, Philip S. Marcus, Michaël Le Bars (2019) Zombie vortex instability in the protoplanetary disk: Can we find it in the lab?, EAS Publications Series 82, p. 435-444, pdf, doi:10.1051/eas/1982038

Conference Papers/Abstracts

Meng Wang, Patrick Huerre, Chung-Hsiang Jiang, Suyang Pei, Maryann Rui, Philip S. Marcus (2015) Baroclinic Critical Layers and the Zombie Vortex Instability (ZVI) in Stratified, Rotating Shear Flows: Where They Form and Why, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. L30–002, url

Meng Wang, Suyang Pei, Chung-Hsiang Jiang, Pedram Hassanzadeh, Philip S. Marcus (2014) The Zombie Instability: Using Numerical Simulation to Design a Laboratory Experiment, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. A22-009, pdf

Meng Wang, Chung-Hsiang Jiang, Pedram Hassanzadeh, Philip S. Marcus (2013) On the Effects of Viscosity and Nonlinearity on Baroclinic Critical Layers, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, p. L32-004, pdf